
Policy. Our policy work has primarily been for the European Commission with a particular focus on the Single European Sky. We bring our extensive industry knowledge and expertise in consultation to understand the key issues, develop options and perform impact analysis. Over the years we have created tools and methods to maintain the high quality of our consultation work and traceability between consultations and policy recommendations.

Cost benefit analysis and business cases. Our team have been conducting and innovating in cost benefit analyses and business cases for over 20 years. We have developed an extensive range of methods and models to achieve realistic and realisable estimates of the impacts of business and operational changes. Because we understand operations and technologies we can communicate well with practitioners and experts to draw out the implications of changes. As well as informing investment decisions, our CBA work informs project priorities, identify opportunities and risks, and brings stakeholders together in crystallising their common objectives.

Strategy and innovation. Our deep knowledge of operations and technologies means we can research and develop strategies and concepts for new operations and the markets for new technologies, supporting organisations including Eurocontrol, Inmarsat, QinetiQ, Niteworks and others. We have wide industry connections and are trusted to maintain confidentialities when consulting with industry experts. We are adept at ideation and can help the innovation process through ideas, strategy, connections and developing business cases.

Cyber security management. Our cyber security expertise focuses on developing methodology, conducting risk assessments and creating security management systems. We supported EUROCONTROL in the EU’s SESAR Programme to modernise air traffic control. We are also innovating how cyber security is managed and have developed a concept of ‘collaborative cyber security management’. Our team are also leading the development of a book on ‘Cyber Security in Transport Systems’ for the Institute of Engineering Technology, working with authors from industry and academia from around the world.

Marketing communications. We enjoy communicating new concepts and technologies and have supported a host of assignments ranging from technical writing and briefs to animation films.

Operations development. Working with trusted partners we deploy our skills in operational analysis to help advance current operations.